Thursday, July 31, 2008


Mommy, why is that guy riding a motorcycle? Mommy why does that girl have funny hair? Why, why, why? I feel like I'm supposed to have all the answers, not just for my kids, but for myself. But the more I know, the more I don't know... you know what I mean? There are times I ask "why me?", only to look around and say why not me? Why do some peoples lives consist of one struggle after another and why do other seemingly float through life relatively unscathed. Why do people who don't want babies have them and why are people who really want to have babies unable to? Why do people hurt each other? Why would I ever be unhappy when I have everything I could ever want and more? And when it comes to someone asking you a question about God's sovereignty why is it so hard to say "I don't know"? Why?

If we had the answers to all of our questions, what would that look like? Would we be happier, more peaceful, kinder, wiser? Would we loose faith because we would have no reason to blindly trust? Is that the point? I don't know why, is that enough of an answer?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Messy Me

For the most part, I grew up in cramped quarters. My sister and I shared a small bedroom for the majority of our elementary and middle-school years. We had way more stuff than room, so our room suffered for it. I remember one evening Jen and I were home alone and our church friend who lived down the street while on a walk with his little girl, stopped in to say hello. They were like family so we let them in for a quick visit. I will never forget how he held his daughter up when they entered our room as she was about to slip and fall on the empty family sized potato chip bag lying on the piles of dirty clothes that literally covered our bedroom floor. Not only was our room a total mess, but my dad decided to tackle the perpetual insect problem we had by putting a bug-zapper in our room. Many a night we were lolled to sleep by the peaceful glow of blue light and the sounds and scents of bugs frying. Hummm...I was conceived in a trailer so it is all quite fitting.

I think once I got married and moved out I over compensated for the mess I grew up in by becoming extremely OCD about things being clean. When people came over to my house, they had to hold on tight to their glass of water or else it would end up in the dishwasher the moment they set it down. I'm sure everyone was completely comfortable and at ease at my house, don't you think? You can only imagine the shock waves two kids under 3 have sent through my squeaky clean world. On any given day I'm covered with several different samplings of bodily fluids and lunch ingredients, my feet occasionally stick to the floor as I walk through the minefield of toys strewn about. It's actually been really hard for me to come to terms with. I thought for some reason that I would be able to control it all, that everything would work out like when Mary Poppins snapped her fingers and the room cleaned itself. If only...

I have a decorative plate on display in my kitchen that you can write on with a dry erase marker. I usually put some verse on it that keeps me focus on what's important. Well recently I took the liberty to personalize a favorite verse of mine. It reads " As for me and my mess, we will serve the Lord." I'm determined to not let the less than ideal condition of my surroundings keep me from enjoying the life I've been given, I want to embrace every moment without a second thought about the dusty dresser, cluttered closet or crumb-covered couches. I want to glorify God despite the imperfection and raise my glass to a big fat "WHO CARES?!"
John Wesley said "cleanliness is next to godliness"...he obviously didn't have kids or he, like me, would be in big trouble.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Random Questions

  • Why do we tell our kids not to eat cake before dinner, but let them eat a fried one in shape of a circle with a hole in the middle first thing in the morning?
  • Why do yellow lights now mean "speed up" when they used to mean "slow down"?
  • Why are there so many letters of the alphabet that are also words?
  • Why are there so many words that are pronounced the same but spelled differently, and visa versa, did they run out of words so we recycled?
  • Why isn't there any good Hindu worship albums?
  • Why is it that Pluto can't talk but Goofy can? And why would a mouse own a pet dog to begin with?
  • Why do kids want to be grown up and grown ups just want to be kids?
  • Why do really big people drive really small cars? Or do they just look really big because their car is so small?
What are some of your random observations?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Good Morning

It begins again. The morning routine...
  1. Wake up call 4:45am. Get "my alarm clock" out of her bed. Check!
  2. Feed her (aka. hit snooze button) in our bed until she and I fall back to sleep. Check!
  3. Re-awake as close to 9:00am as possible. 8:45am Check!
  4. Kiss Jason goodbye with a pout. Check!
  5. Somehow coax Cannon on the "big boy potty". Check! Even did #2, bonus!
  6. Change Kylie's diaper and get her dressed. Check!
  7. Avoid drama with Cannon over wardrobe and let him wear his "Snike" (Nike) shorts a bit longer. Check!
  8. Put "Curious George" on TV for Cannon. Check! Love that monkey!
  9. Make him his chocolate milk. Check!
  10. Pull something random out of Kylie's mouth. Check! Today: The letter "D" from Cannon's alphabet board.
  11. Feed Kylie something. Check!
  12. Make breakfast for Cannon, which he may or may not eat. Check!
  13. Clean up mess from dinner last night and breakfast. Check!
  14. Stand in pantry for 5 minutes deciding what I will eat. Give up and wait for lunch. It's usually only an hour or so away at this point. Check!
  15. Miss Jason. Check!
  16. Call mom to make lunch plans. Check!
  17. Put laundry in dryer and Kylie down for nap. Check!
  18. View emails and respond. Check!
  19. Take a shower, brush teeth...finally. Check!
Did I forget anything? If I did, oh well. Morning was a good one.

Getting Real

Well, here we go. Starting something new. Sometimes we just need a change to get creativity flowing again. I just wanted to cut the strings and go free form. Just rambling, which may or may not have something meaningful woven between the lines, but either way, it will be worthy of the time to type out and forever save in cyberspace. I promise it will be fun and funky, honest and real. I will post things that just don't fit on my other blog, but will keep updating the other one when inspired.

So, here's to a blog I might actually write in more than once every few months. Short and sweet - loving it! PS: I will add favorite photos to this blog like this one.