It begins again. The morning routine...
- Wake up call 4:45am. Get "my alarm clock" out of her bed. Check!
- Feed her (aka. hit snooze button) in our bed until she and I fall back to sleep. Check!
- Re-awake as close to 9:00am as possible. 8:45am Check!
- Kiss Jason goodbye with a pout. Check!
- Somehow coax Cannon on the "big boy potty". Check! Even did #2, bonus!
- Change Kylie's diaper and get her dressed. Check!
- Avoid drama with Cannon over wardrobe and let him wear his "Snike" (Nike) shorts a bit longer. Check!
- Put "Curious George" on TV for Cannon. Check! Love that monkey!
- Make him his chocolate milk. Check!
- Pull something random out of Kylie's mouth. Check! Today: The letter "D" from Cannon's alphabet board.
- Feed Kylie something. Check!
- Make breakfast for Cannon, which he may or may not eat. Check!
- Clean up mess from dinner last night and breakfast. Check!
- Stand in pantry for 5 minutes deciding what I will eat. Give up and wait for lunch. It's usually only an hour or so away at this point. Check!
- Miss Jason. Check!
- Call mom to make lunch plans. Check!
- Put laundry in dryer and Kylie down for nap. Check!
- View emails and respond. Check!
- Take a shower, brush teeth...finally. Check!
Did I forget anything? If I did, oh well. Morning over...it was a good one.