It begins again. The morning routine...
- Wake up call 4:45am. Get "my alarm clock" out of her bed. Check!
- Feed her (aka. hit snooze button) in our bed until she and I fall back to sleep. Check!
- Re-awake as close to 9:00am as possible. 8:45am Check!
- Kiss Jason goodbye with a pout. Check!
- Somehow coax Cannon on the "big boy potty". Check! Even did #2, bonus!
- Change Kylie's diaper and get her dressed. Check!
- Avoid drama with Cannon over wardrobe and let him wear his "Snike" (Nike) shorts a bit longer. Check!
- Put "Curious George" on TV for Cannon. Check! Love that monkey!
- Make him his chocolate milk. Check!
- Pull something random out of Kylie's mouth. Check! Today: The letter "D" from Cannon's alphabet board.
- Feed Kylie something. Check!
- Make breakfast for Cannon, which he may or may not eat. Check!
- Clean up mess from dinner last night and breakfast. Check!
- Stand in pantry for 5 minutes deciding what I will eat. Give up and wait for lunch. It's usually only an hour or so away at this point. Check!
- Miss Jason. Check!
- Call mom to make lunch plans. Check!
- Put laundry in dryer and Kylie down for nap. Check!
- View emails and respond. Check!
- Take a shower, brush teeth...finally. Check!
Did I forget anything? If I did, oh well. Morning over...it was a good one.
lol.. Wow, your morning sounds like what mine will be like come November when my second baby is due!!! I've gotten so comfortable having a toddler around I compeletely forgot about the early AM feedings that are soon awaiting me!!
How do we women survive!?? :) :)
Haha.. That morning sounds like mine, only minus the early morning feedings!! My Youngest son doesnt get up for those anymore .. HALLUJAH!! Im soooo glad to FINALLY be out of the "infant" stage!!...YAY!!
The thing I would add to my Morning routine, would be Breaking up Brotherly fights off and on...haha
yay for two blogs.
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